Time For Slime

Local Business

If you live in WA then we can give it to you in person if you see us!

Online Store

Click “Place Order Here” to find and buy all our lovely slimes!

Find Us On

We currently don’t have any online media.


Aisha does the mixing of the slime

Sadia does the needing of the slime

Our Services

Product Design

We use elmers glue to make our slime and also use elmers magical liquid, then we had on some extra slime toppings like glitter and beads.

Shop Creation

Once we were having a playdate and we were bored but then Aisha knew that there was some old PVA glue in the bathroom. So Aisha, Sadia and Anna used the PVA glue and some liquid from the laundry and mad slime! The next day we wanted to make a slime shop and we started a shop called Time For Slime!

Thanks To

Thank you to everyone who supported our dream to make and sell slime to the world! Also thank you for checking out my website/shop.


We might not be the best slime shop in the world but we can try to be the best in WA, we always try our best to make better quality slime for family, friends and vististers and so on!


Why Choose Us

Care In Slime

we will try to make the best possible delivery to you. We try very hard to make sure it is good for people to play with.


I have made slime many times before, and yes sometimes it’s a little bit hard but soon I would have been making slime for more than 1 year!


We support all the people who have donated some money or even brought slime from us! We also will support your events and make it better with more slime!

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